Sunday, December 14, 2008

I want him out

It was a gorgeous day today. Sunny, chilly, a perfect December day. I got a reasonable night's sleep. I told the cub he could come today. It would be a good day.

We watched Meet the Press. Then walked the dog. Walking makes the Braxton Hicks really strong, so I like to do it. Then we showered and headed out for a spicy burrito lunch at Chipotle. I wanted to keep walking so we browsed at Barnes and Noble for some more Christmas presents. Then when we got home we walked the dog again. They were still just Braxton Hicks - although I definitely feel them in my back now. I believe I said, "I want him out" a few times.

I do not want to stop walking - I don't know what that means. I am just really restless. But it's 6:30 as I write this and I am guessing he isn't going to be here any time soon. The most recent guess is that he will in fact arrive on his due date, as only 5% of babies actually do. I so hope.

Time to watch some West Wing episodes and do jumping jacks.

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