Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just another Thursday

I got a very good night's sleep, thanks to a pre-bed back rub that took me from total grumpy to at least sleepy grumpy. I managed to stay in bed until about 9, sleeping on and off.

I spent a great deal of the day online shopping, on facebook or watching home remodeling shows on TV. Then I took some time for birth practice and nap.

By dinner time I had such cabin fever that we went out to Bertucci's for my favorite pizza, then grocery shopping and some other errands. I keep stocking up on things that I want to have on hand. Like meat. We are going to have a freezer full of meats. I was just happy to be out of the house even though I was waddling around like a penguin the whole time. We managed to kill the evening and now I want to play more Yahtzee, like we did last night before bed. Then hopefully I will lobby for another one of those pre-bed backrubs.

It's been a dreary rainy day, from morning til night. I'm glad the cub decided to wait this one out. Maybe tomorrow? As I predicted? I'll have to check the weather.

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