Wednesday, December 10, 2008

midwife wednesday

I went for my 39 week appointment today. Baby is good. In terms of his positiona, he isn't floating but he isn't engaged either. He moved from right occipito-anterior (ROA) position to occipito-posterior while I was lying on the table...he is still moving around now and will change positions until he is engaged, she said. We eventually want him in the ROA position though, so I'm talking to him daily about this. His heart beat was good, in the 140s. My blood pressure was normal - 96/64. I'm measuring 40 weeks now. I gained another half pound since last week. He is definitely growing. It was by all accounts a fine appointment. But I'm fighting impatience for him to just get here already. Getting...grumpy...can't....walk....

I had a poor night's sleep so I'm tired. There is a good chance I am going to spend the rest of the day watching the West Wing. Ideally I would like to lie on the couch and watch the West Wing until the baby comes, but I'm assuming I'll get a little restless before then. For right now, that's all I'm doing.

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