Monday, September 29, 2008

29 week checkup

I had an appointment today and everything looks good. His head is down, which is where we want it to stay. I had lost a pound and a half (which seems impossible with the cupcakes and cookies recently). But as usual, baby is measuring just fine - in fact I'm actually measuring 30 weeks. So they are not too concerned about the weight...just urging me to eat a lot of little meals, plenty of protein and calcium. I don't have a huge appetite so I probably haven't eaten enough recently. My blood pressure is low (94/64). His heartrate was a little higher - 152 - than previously, but that was because he was moving around so much :) He's busy. Which is why I must be so HOT lately, as I have two metabolisms at work!

I also got all sorts of information about getting ready for the home birth. And she answered a lot of questions about what happens during the birth and right after. It's so exciting to start preparing finally! Time to get a pediatrician. Yay.

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