Tuesday, September 30, 2008

29 week belly!

Standard morning jammies shot.


Because maternity jeans are HOT if you know how to work 'em.


Full frontal.


And the popular profile shots.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

29 week checkup

I had an appointment today and everything looks good. His head is down, which is where we want it to stay. I had lost a pound and a half (which seems impossible with the cupcakes and cookies recently). But as usual, baby is measuring just fine - in fact I'm actually measuring 30 weeks. So they are not too concerned about the weight...just urging me to eat a lot of little meals, plenty of protein and calcium. I don't have a huge appetite so I probably haven't eaten enough recently. My blood pressure is low (94/64). His heartrate was a little higher - 152 - than previously, but that was because he was moving around so much :) He's busy. Which is why I must be so HOT lately, as I have two metabolisms at work!

I also got all sorts of information about getting ready for the home birth. And she answered a lot of questions about what happens during the birth and right after. It's so exciting to start preparing finally! Time to get a pediatrician. Yay.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where will the baby go?

This is already the preferred state of things according to the furry children. I guess we'll lump the kid on the lap somewhere.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Things to make

So now the fun of making things for this boy. I am still deciding on curtain fabric, but in them mean time I found darn cute flannels to make receiving blankets.

28w1d belly

Testing new camera :)


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Big Belly Tuesday – 28 Weeks



Monday, September 22, 2008

Test result update

I had blood drawn last Monday for a few tests. Good news - no gestational diabetes (he's just getting big because he is healthy). Also, hematocrit was 37 and hemoglobin 13, both good numbers. So yay.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lazy Sunday

After a long day yesterday, today was quiet and lazy. We gave Merle a much needed bath, leaving about 3 pounds of fur at the dog wash, and then relaxed outside over brunch at Austin Grill. Then, of course, we needed to go to Cake Love for a German chocolate cupcake and a slice of carrot cake. I don't even like cake...but apparently the mancub does.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby's first political campaign

We spent Saturday canvassing voters in the important battleground state of Virginia. Well, we made it through about half of the houses together and then Donavon had to fly solo as I got hungry and tired. I was just slowing him down. We talked to about 33 people, about 8 of whom were undecided. We also signed up two campaign volunteers and registered one new (Obama) voter. It was a long day but fun, out talking to the people that will really decide the election. Quite a few were waiting for the debates to help make their final call.

While we were away, Merle got to spend the whole day with his favorite girl. Thanks for taking such great care of him, Karen!

Sorry no picture - the beloved point and shoot finally died...the new one should be here by tomorrow's belly shot though :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

27w2d morning photo shoot

Yes. Yes I am tired.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

3D Ultrasound Day

We just got back from another ultrasound exam. Our friend Karen was kind enough to give us another session. This time on the top of the line Phillips 3D Ultrasound machine. Litle Sparky refused to move his hand from in front of his face! He’s a little shy.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

27 week checkup

Tomorrow is 27 weeks so today I had a checkup. I had the glucose tolerance test and some blood drawn for a general workup. I think I've gained 6 pounds since 4 weeks ago - not a surprise considering the massive growth in that time. We heard the heartbeat, in the 140s. My belly measures at 27.5 weeks. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions lately with even the slightest exertion, so I'm supposed to really rest for the next couple of weeks. Grr. There were two other women in the office in labor so we waited when she had to rush out to check on them. So exciting to think one of these days that will be us!

Holy contractions, Batman

So, I wouldn't suggest going to see a movie like Batman: Dark Knight at 26 weeks pregnant. It's not the movie - it was a good movie. But theater sound systems are loud. And babies hear things like explosions and gunfire through bellies. I wrapped my arms around where I think his ears are. Plus, those seats are not comfortable for pregnant women. I had to get up at one point and when I came back, I chose to sit on the stairs instead of getting back in that seat. Neither the noise nor the seats helped with the little contractions I seem to have now. I'm sticking to home movies 'til this boy is out.

Friday, September 12, 2008


As of today, I have the book and kit. The book is Hypnobirthing: The Mongan Method, which comes with its own CD, and the kit is HypBirth, a set of 8 CDs and a DVD. Time to start learning and practicing! I get to spend an hour relaxing every day. Not bad.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

26w2d belly

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

26 week vent

So, it's been a pretty easy pregnancy so far. Not that I know anything about it, but in general, I've been living a normal life. Not much to complain about and it has been exciting and even enjoyable along the way.

But you know, I'm getting larger. As of today, we have 14 weeks left on this journey. And did I mention I am getting larger? As a result, it is hard to do things like stand up or sit on the floor. I don't sleep well at ALL. I have heartburn daily. There is a constant poking sensation in my ribs, particularly on the left. My hips hurt. My back hurts. There is no getting away with wearing non-maternity clothes anymore. I officially would like to spend the next 3 months lying on the couch watching makeover shows and eating cookies out of the box. Ok, I think that is all. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

100 days!

woo hoo! 100 days to go...or should I say, oh my god, only 100 days to go?!?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

braxton hicks

I just started experiencing these in the last few days. So weird. Trying to take it a little easier now. They come on with stress or when I am exerting myself - like when I was crouched down cleaning the kitchen floor just now :) Oh and I finally have heartburn, but only at night after dinner. Otherwise, all is well and I feel pretty normal.

Friday, September 5, 2008

ultrasound results

The radiology report from the 24 week ultrasound is in, and all is normal. There were 2 things that they couldn't view (one arm and the left ventricle outflow tract) so they recommended a follow up to be thorough. But everything else looks good, including heart and brain. So yay. Oh, the adjusted due date from the radiologist's measurements is not 12/12, but 12/9! Again, the real due date is still 12/16. The new date just reflects that his size right now is that of a baby due on 12/9...which means he is growing well! We clearly went during a huge growth spurt phase (have you seen the belly?!?) so I'm assuming it will all average out and he will be a normal sized baby...not huge. Please not huge.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

25 weeks

I've grown a lot in the last few weeks. I can't sit on the floor anymore without my feet falling asleep within minutes. I finally NEED to wear maternity clothes. I am starting to be uncomfortable sleeping - lots of waking up to toss and turn during the night. Still don't have a huge appetite. I'm hungry in the morning when I wake up and I eat cereal and eggs and sausage right away. Otherwise, I eat because I know I have to. I do crave sweets now, though (finally!). Baby is kicking and punching and squirming with even more strength just in the last week. Still getting used to calling him a 'he'! Having a hard time imagining 15 more weeks of this growing...although the way it's been going I'm also afraid it will fly by.

The nursery is fully painted - Donavon finished it yesterday. I've measured for curtains and am still plotting which fabric from my stash to use.

The baby party is October 11 and plans are in motion! Exciting.

Monday, September 1, 2008

non-labor day

There was thankfully no laboring on labor day. We visited our friends Carlee and Lance in VA and went hiking in Great Falls. Well, the park itself was too crowded to get in, but we were able to find a nice trail at a park nearby. That may be some of the last hiking with hills that I do for a few months :)