Sunday, May 18, 2008


Donavon is sitting next to me in a t-shirt. He just took off his over shirt because he was hot. I am under a fleece blanket, wearing a short sleeved t-shirt, a long sleeve t-shirt and a windbreaker jacket. And a warm cat is sleeping on my lap. And I am freezing. Shivering at the core.

This is one of the symptoms that makes me confident that I am still pregnant. It's not unlike having the flu. It doesn't go away until I am suddenly REALLY hot.

So far I have eaten a batch of failed french toast that left me nauseous, the last of the leftover shrimp mei fun, the inside of half of a vegetarian burrito, half a corn muffin, 2 slices of bread with butter and the other half of the inside of the vegetarian burrito, 2 bowls of sherbet. And more glasses of water than I can count. Another of those flu-like symptoms - I am always thirsty. I have almost no appetite but I'm just trying to eat anything that sounds ok.

Keep thinking about going to the midwife tomorrow. I'm nervous but excited.

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