Saturday, May 17, 2008


After spotting and faint cramping on Thursday night, I called my midwife. I'm going in Monday for some tests and to check for fetal heart sounds with the Doppler. Everything I read says this kind of thing can be very normal, so I'm focusing on being in the normal category. The reason she wants me in is because we haven't actually verified that this is a viable pregnancy (heart sounds, ultrasound). If we had some evidence that everything is going well up until now, it would be less of an issue.

My appointment to hear the heart beat wasn't until 11+ weeks until this happened. Now, HOPEFULLY we will hear it a little sooner. It is pretty early to hear with the Doppler, though. Casey, the midwife assistant, said the earliest she has gotten sounds was 9 weeks. The general wisdom is that they should be able to hear something within 8-10 weeks. In some women, it won't pick up until 12 weeks. If my due date is off at all or if my anatomy is such that we can't get it, it may be necessary to go for an ultrasound.

She will probably take blood to check hCG levels. I guess that will depend on the Doppler results.

I feel pretty good this morning - which, of course, has me worried. Again, it could just be normal feeling better as I go on, but in conjunction with cramping I kind of wish I was feeling awful. I would be more confident that I am still/really pregnant. All of the symptoms aren't gone, but I'm barely nauseous, I have some energy and I even have a little appetite. Just a little. There is still the rest of the day to get sick. Fingers crossed!

Trying to stay distracted this weekend. Knitting, going outside, avoiding the foul stench wafting in from the neighbor's, avoiding friends who don't know. The usual.

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