Saturday, November 22, 2008

One of the last Saturdays before Sparky arrives

I did go back to bed at some point this morning and slept in, til about 9. Then, as is house tradition, we had Sci-Fi Saturday morning, which means watching whatever we recorded from Sci-Fi Friday night but were way too busy partying till all hours to watch. These days the only show in the line up is Stargate Atlantis. Then Donavon and I focused on domestic tasks, mostly for Christmas. I wrapped presents while Donavon not only designed but also finished making all of the Christmas cards.

In addition, I sewed a crib sheet. It came out perfectly fine and it was pretty easy, although I want to tweak the pattern a bit.

The diaper trial package came today. Those things are so darn cute. They have to be washed a few times before use, so yay, more laundry :)

I practiced hypnobirthing/napped and then Donavon and I had a late but ever popular breakfast dinner = waffles, eggs and sausage.

Meanwhile, the cub is definitely positioning himself lower. Donavon claims I have been saying this every day for the last two weeks. I have noticed that I am not getting kicked in the ribs anymore even while he is clearly getting much larger. Plus, I swear I felt him being pushed down with a lot of those Braxton Hicks the last week.

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