Thursday, August 28, 2008


The days of a Father bursting out of the operating room, naked screaming newborn raised high over his head as the exclaims "It's a Boy!" are over. These days it’s a cold text message sent while in the ultrasound exam room.

Obviously from our perspective, the baby-to-be is very much a part of our daily lives . But for some of our friends (especially those who don’t see us every day), I was a little worried that the text message might have confused some into thinking that the baby was actually born. I was right. So far this has happened only once twice.

Most had reactions like this to the mundane or (depending on your perspective) earth shattering announcement of the gender:

  • Congrats! (as you can imagine, the most common)
  • Awesome! (twice)
  • Great news!
  • Horray!!!
  • Right on!
  • Yahoooooooooo!
  • Woo hoo!
  • Yipppeee!

As a reminder to everyone (and especially my two best friends), the baby’s due date is December 16th. When I actually have a naked screaming newborn raised high over my head, I will send out a mass email announcement with pics. Don’t worry, I’ll put the baby down before I touch the keyboard. :)

One more thing… I’m having a baby boy! Whoooopeeeee!

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