Thursday, July 31, 2008

Half baked

Baby and I marked the 20 week point on Tuesday! Here is the 20 week belly.

During the last week I've gotten my appetite back and it's fierce. I woke up a few times at 3 am with a growling stomach. I am an eating machine. I need breakfast as soon as I wake up. And I'm hungry again before lunch. Everything sounds good to me now, including sweets. I highly recommend the Dairy Queen Limited Edition Thin Mint Blizzard with vanilla ice cream. It may surpass Wendy's Frosty as my favorite frozen treat. I think I will have gained some weight by my next appointment :)

I have tried to hear the baby's heartbeat with my stethoscope for the last couple of weeks, but still nothing. It is supposed to be possible as of 20 weeks, so I am getting excited for it any day now. It is moving a lot, but it is only noticeable after I eat or when I lay down. Donavon thought he felt it move while we were in Chicago, but so far that is the only time. And he wasn't really that sure about it.