Friday, December 26, 2008

Revel on the local news

image came to the hospital to record some of the new Christmas babies. Alyssa and Revel were featured.

Read more and watch the video on

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Introducing Revel Carlberg West


Revel Carlberg West was born at 7:07am on Christmas Day. He weights in at a respectable 8 lbs 7 ozs and 21 inches long. Both baby and Mommy are doing fine.  According to my count, he has 10 fingers and 10 toes, but we're having that looked into by a specialist. :)


Watch the Youtube video:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Big Belly Tuesday – Week 41

Week 41? Week 41? I thought that babies were "done" after only 40 weeks. Well it turns out that the first rule about pregnancy is that there are no rules. Today, Alyssa is now officially 1 week overdue or as we like to think of it, "balancing out the average".

We went to our midwife appointment today and are happy to report that the baby got a clean bill of health. So now we continue to wait again, still.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

To keep the crying at bay

Here are my daily mantras these days:

1) Patience is not only a virtue but a cornerstone of parenthood. This is just practice for what we are going to have to do anyway after they come out.

2) I am blessed with a healthy, happy pregnancy. Many women can not say that. I am fortunate to be in the situation of waiting for my healthy baby.

3) I am just taking my rightful NORMAL place on the NORMAL bell curve for the average gestational period. Some of us need to be on the other side of 40 weeks to have made it the average.

4) Babies born on time or later do really well and labor tends to go well.

5) This is the way my body needs to do its job. Trust the process and it will treat you well.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

more cooking...

More cooking for both me and the baby. He is still teaching his parents that patience is an important part of having a kid. I'm also seeing it as doing my part for the statistical average of 40 weeks gestation - there need to be a few of us on the other side to make it an average.

The days and nights and days kind of merge and slip into each other lately. We try to keep so busy during the day that all of the sudden it is time to go to bed again. Yesterday we went to the market for another chicken so I could make another batch of soup. Then last night I made more gingerbread cookie dough. It sat in the fridge overnight and then this morning I made them. We decorated quite a few this afternoon. I finished up the 'pick the meat off the chicken' part of the soup today, as well.

I spent a couple of hours napping and hypnobaby-ing, as I didn't get a great night's sleep. I didn't really have any contractions to speak of last night. On and off, sure, but nothing consistent or uncomfortable. I think I was awake willing them to happen. I wasn't very hungry today so I have had little meals.

There was more cookie decorating before dinner. Then I started to be sad that he might not be here for Christmas. I know there is a lot of time til then, but I was so excited for all the family and the baby to be here. As time goes on the chances seem less likely. I have to let go of it and realize what will be will be and it will be great.

Donavon suggested a bath, which was a great idea. We just sat in the bathroom talking and it relaxed me to just float.

Donavon is now foregoing his own dinner to continue cookie decorating. It is a very zen thing for him. He makes a beautiful cookie.

Friday, December 19, 2008

busy night, still no baby to show for it...

Most of you should know well enough that I like to take my time with things. It took 6 years to graduate college. I'm still working on this MD thing. I like to go slowly and deliberately. I like to be prepared, practice, make sure I get it right. And sometimes, on occasion, I can have a tendency to put things off until the last possible moment. Why should my uterus be any different? There was certainly more progress last night and I'm happy to report that things seem to be moving along well, but no, there is no baby today.

I started more contractions at 12:42. They were regular every five minutes. Totally painless, just hard and kind of neat to watch. They lasted about 30-45 sec. At around 2am we decided to get some sleep. At 5am I woke up with more contractions that were different. As in, they actually registered as somewhat uncomfortable, maybe a 2 or 3 out of 10 on the pain scale. They were still only 5 minutes apart and lasted only 45 sec, maybe a minute. But the good part is that they definitely felt different. I lay in bed just practicing breathing and relaxing. That probably lasted less than an hour. Confusing the situation was that I was starving so there were hunger pangs mixed in with the crampiness. So Donavon got up with me around 6 and made me eggs and toast and juice. SO tasty. By then, there were still contractions but they were back to being totally painless. After our breakfast, we decided to go get some more sleep and stayed in bed until 10:45! I woke up a few times with more of the totally painless contractions. I'm glad we got the extra sleep as I can tell we are approaching the big day...whether it is today or not I'm not concerned. I just know we are making progress.

I'm planning to stay busy and active today, much like yesterday. We will do more slightly unnecessary errands to get out of the house and keep me walking and distracted. We've already taken the dog for a walk in the miserable rainy/sleety weather. But there are presents to wrap and things to do before the family gets here, beginning Sunday night. So, I'm just going to keep going :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

no squirrel news is good news!

No squirrel incidents today.

In other news, we kept very busy. I slept great again last night, so I was up pretty early, around 7 feeling pretty good. This morning I wrapped more presents then walked the dog. Then I spent a couple of hours on birth stuff. We headed to Target to return some things and do more shopping - both for Christmas and for baby. We had dinner at Chipotle while we were out. When we got back we promptly headed out to the market to get supplies to make cookies, which is how we spent the evening. We have an additional batch of Tollhouse cookies on hand for the holidays now. We also decorated the house some more, with lights and some cool holiday flowers.

I have been walking and doing pelvic rocks and squats today and I feel that the baby is low, as low as he has been if not lower. It seems like when I lie down to nap, he moves back up a little and I just want him to stay down. So it is past 11 and I don't want to go to bed! I am just ready to have him. I want one of those velcro suits and walls so I can just sleep plastered upright :) He seems like he has gotten himself into a position that is good - just a gut feeling I have. And I am hopeful that he has been waiting to get himself arranged and that NOW he is ready. However, I'm going to assume that not getting sleep tonight is probably not the brightest idea :) I'm just so ready to do this and I feel like it could really happen soon.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Midwife Wednesday

After a wicked good night's sleep, the day started with finding a dead squirrel behind the toilet in our first floor bathroom. We are guessing that he wasn't smoked out before the hole was patched up and found his way in the house. Or else he crawled in through the open window (which was open to get rid of the smoke) and found his way downstairs. To die by a toilet. Oh well, let's hope this is the final scene in the squirrel tragedy.

I had an appointment today for my 40 week checkup. All good news. My blood pressure was 104/74. I have had mild swelling in my hands for the last week - my ring is a little tighter. This is actually a good thing as mild swelling is actually another sign of the body getting ready for labor. Think of it as storing up for the rapid fluid loss that will occur in birth. Mancub's heart tones were 140-150s, still a nice strong but normal rate.

The midwife assistant said she thinks he is probably engaged but she wasn't sure of her own ability to tell. She also wasn't sure if he was still ROA Or OP, so I'm not worrying about it. My midwife is much more confident in palpating the position of the baby. The other thing the midwife assistant thought was that he was an 8-9 lb baby - again I don't entirely trust her assessment. Just a few weeks ago the midwife thought he was somewhere around 6 lb and there is no way he grew that much. But he HAS grown. My belly measured 41 cm today (i.e. 41 weeks). I also gained 2.5 lb from last week! Part of that has to be swelling...and part because I have been eating like a pig for the last week. I think because he has dropped and my stomach isn't squished I can finally eat a normal meal before I get full. And my appetite has been keeping up. I also think I am packing away some energy for the birth and nursing...just my own theory for the huge appetite this last week.

I had some contractions during the appt. When the midwife assistant felt them she complimented me on my 'fit uterus'. Hah. That made me giggle. She also reiterated the idea that whatever 'work' I do know what all of this practice labor is good. Basically, I'm spacing it out over days instead of one long session. The active labor should go faster, which can only be good for stamina and energy. Nice to hear.

Then we were off to Target for some last minute shopping errands. I was waddling around and having contractions the whole time. I could feel him really low and it was pretty uncomfortable walking. I was happy to lie down and do birth practice when I got home.

We ate the homemade chicken soup for dinner. It was my first chicken soup ever and it is spectacular.

THEN we discovered one last wrinkle in the squirrel story. There were squirrel poops in the baby's room. And a few dusty rodent footprints on the baby stroller. And some squirrel fur in the under storage compartment of the stroller. Ew. Donavon cleaned it up and we are now hoping it really is all over. Although we have been going over what we think might have happened - assuming it was the same squirrel that eventually died in the bathroom. Curious.

With that, we headed to bed and played a little "let's distract Alyssa" game of Yahtzee.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Big Belly Tuesday – 40 Weeks!

Today is Alyssa's due date! Let me repeat that… TODAY IS ALYSSA'S DUE DATE! It's weeks 40 and the little man cub has yet to show his face.


BTW, this week's BIG BELLY TUESDAY theme is because a few weeks ago Alyssa joked saying "what's next, are you going to put me in space"? With this possibly being the last week, I just had to. :)

Due date part 2

It's 7:30 pm and I am realizing there is little chance this kid is going to be born on his due date. Oh well.

There was still drama today, although not the kind I might have hoped for.

The landlord came to fix the squirrel problem, as mentioned in my previous post. He decided that the best way to approach it was to first smoke out the squirrels, then patch the hole. In order to smoke out the squirrels, he used this: Revenge Rodent Smoke Bomb.

He put it in the ceiling between the second and third floors. However, it did not remain contained to the ceiling space.

Due to cabin fever, Donavon and I had gone to Starbucks for a snack and then did a couple of other errands around town. This was when the smoke bombing occurred. When we returned home, it smelled like sulfur on the first floor. When I asked the landlord about it, he said that he used something to smoke out the squirrel. When I mentioned my concern, he assured us that he had asked for something non-hazardous. Unfortunately, if you read the packaging, which we promptly asked for, it says cartridge emits "toxic gases" and that the fumes "may be harmful if inhaled". (How else would fumes be harmful, I wonder.) Not to mention that it is called "Revenge". How do you buy that and think, sure, that's not hazardous.

We put the cat outside, took the dog and sat in the car deciding what to do. Our neighbors were nice enough to let us hang out in their apartment while we calmed down but not before writing angry emails to the landlord's wife. The kicker was not just that he used this thing in our house. But he did it without warning or maybe just asking if it was OK, given that we are pregnant and have pets. I never occurred to him to just clear it with us - maybe ask if were going to be out of the house for the day so we wouldn't be disturbed by the sulfur smell. But no, not any warning or consideration that we might want to just KNOW about it. Forget the 'I didn't read the toxic gases' part on the packaging. After being annoyed and not wanting to be annoyed (I'd rather be calm and happy and waiting for a baby to come) we went to Home Depot and bought a second air filter to put on the second floor. The landlord agreed to pay for the filter.

Anyway, it was kinda stressful and upsetting and now it is almost 8 pm and the day is gone to squirrel fumigation. The good news is that he did close up the hole where the squirrels were entering. The original squirrel problem should be fixed at least.

I went straight to practicing hypnobirthing after we returned from Home Depot so I could just chill out. I had some raspberry leaf tea and now I feel better. The only other concern today is that I put Reno out to avoid the fumes and he hasn't come home. It is sleeting and gross and way past his dinner time, which has me unsettled. He is a tough cat and I know he can handle the weather just fine. But I would rather he be home and safe.

Now, time for some spicy food and walking.

P.S. At 8:15 Reno came home, soaking wet. Finally, everyone is back safe in the house. Now if that baby would just come and complete the family.

Due Date!

Yay! It's officially the due date. How exciting.

Yesterday I had only Braxton Hicks all day, despite the nighttime contractions earlier. I was in a chipper mood though, because of the last night's progress.

We kept busy around the house. I finished making the chicken soup, I wrapped presents, I started setting up and organizing rooms for family to arrive on Sunday and the dog got a walk.

Then we were lucky to have a friend in town for business stop by for dinner. Donavon whipped up some chili and corn muffins and we had a great visit with him.

We got to bed around 11, hoping for more night time contractions. Which did come. At 1:41 I woke up with them about 6-8 minutes apart. He was SO active between them, I was really amused. I decided to go back to sleep around 2:15 though. Throughout the night I woke up with them. Obviously, they were not patterned and never started getting stronger. But until 8:14 this morning I was having them intermittently enough.

Now we're up for the day. In contrast to the Braxton Hicks contractions, these seem to subside when I am active. I'm just going to focus on breakfast right now.

Oh, and our landlord has decided that my due date is a good day to come to town to fix our squirrel problem. Hah.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday morning

So, we were both able to go back to sleep, with Donavon rubbing my back. I woke up a few times with more contractions but was able to go back to sleep. I woke up at 8 for a bit, then got a little more sleep until 9:30. The contractions have definitely stopped for now. We have not called the midwife yet. I do have a tummy ache and some crampiness. I just had some oatmeal and I'm going to make red raspberry leaf tea and go about my day, trying to stay distracted enough to let nature takes its course. Yay progress.

first contractions

I woke up tossing and turning and was very sad to see that it was only about 2 am. Having gone to sleep after 12, that was not really a significant amount of sleep to start the 'tossing and turning' phase of the night. In addition, the extra spicy shrimp mei fun I ate at around 10 pm was creating serious heartburn. I tried to get comfy for awhile...left side...right side...left side.

Then I tried the 'when all else fails, maybe I can sleep sitting up against pillows', which would also help with the heartburn. I was sitting up, getting somewhat relaxed and comfortable. I started to hook up my earphones to listen to some relaxation stuff, when Donavon woke up and rolled over to say hi. I asked him if he would rub my back to help me go back to sleep - it is magic the way I fall asleep like a baby that way. He said yes, after he got up to pee and proceeded to start to fall back asleep with his hand on my belly.

I had my hands on my belly, also, when I realized that it was getting tight. This time I could feel it get tight and then subside, in a wave, as opposed to the Braxton Hicks I have been having. It also seemed like my belly was even harder. I tested against my forehead, then against my belly, and back, and it definitely seemed like it was very hard at its peak. I checked the clock on Donavon's side of the bed and it said 3:04, so I estimated that it started at 3:03. Then I paid attention for more. After two more of these contractions at 3:08 and 3:13, I mentioned them to Donavon. He started poking my belly, then my forehead, then my belly, then my forehead and agreed these were REALLY hard. (I've been making him feel my belly for weeks now when it gets tight, so his opinion is relevant.)

For the next hour I have had short, pain free contractions - they are maybe 30 seconds long - I have yet to seriously time their duration. Basically, they have been every 5 minutes. After the 3:13 one, they have come at 3:17-3:18, 3:21-22, 3:27, 3:31-32, 3:37, 3:41-42, 3:44, 3:47, 3:52-53, 3:57-58, 4:03, 4:07-8, 4:13, 4:18...and counting.

At around 3:30 I asked Donavon for some more water and a Tums from the first floor. I didn't want to move until an hour of contractions had past. After that, I got up to pee and sure enough, that didn't make them go away.

Now, I know we are going against the cardinal rule of 'get some sleep' when they start in the middle of the night. But I wanted to gather information and take it all in as it was a new sensation...and let's face it, it is exciting. I have been convinced that I wouldn't have a real contraction ever. Now at least I know what they feel like on a very mild level and I am revelling in the lastest progress. Even if they stop or taper off and we don't have him for a few days, I'm just happy that something new is happening.

4:24-25 - another one...I went downstairs to get my stopwatch and another glass of water and some red raspberry leaf tea...4:33 - another one. Either I didn't have one or I missed one while in the kitchen...4:43 - another one...they could be tapering off now or I am missing them in moving about.

So, despite how much I want to sit up and document every contraction, I am going to try to rest. Maybe not full on sleep but definitely rest as much as possible. I am going to wait to call the midwife until the sun is out at least. And I'll be making note of when and if anything gets more exciting.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I want him out

It was a gorgeous day today. Sunny, chilly, a perfect December day. I got a reasonable night's sleep. I told the cub he could come today. It would be a good day.

We watched Meet the Press. Then walked the dog. Walking makes the Braxton Hicks really strong, so I like to do it. Then we showered and headed out for a spicy burrito lunch at Chipotle. I wanted to keep walking so we browsed at Barnes and Noble for some more Christmas presents. Then when we got home we walked the dog again. They were still just Braxton Hicks - although I definitely feel them in my back now. I believe I said, "I want him out" a few times.

I do not want to stop walking - I don't know what that means. I am just really restless. But it's 6:30 as I write this and I am guessing he isn't going to be here any time soon. The most recent guess is that he will in fact arrive on his due date, as only 5% of babies actually do. I so hope.

Time to watch some West Wing episodes and do jumping jacks.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

no baby yet

So, still just trying to keep myself busy and distracted. I did lots of errands yesterday to be out of the house.

Today I made chicken soup from scratch (never done that before), went for a good walk with Merle and Donavon (which brought on contractions that start at back and wrap to front, a new type for me), did about 3 hours of hypnobirthing because I kept falling asleep, and watched two episodes of the Simpsons and one episode of the Daily Show. I got such a horrible night's sleep last night that I was actually hoping I wouldn't go into labor today because I was such a zombie...until the napping.

Tonight we watched Ray while I tried to find a comfortable position to sit. SUCH a great movie.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just another Thursday

I got a very good night's sleep, thanks to a pre-bed back rub that took me from total grumpy to at least sleepy grumpy. I managed to stay in bed until about 9, sleeping on and off.

I spent a great deal of the day online shopping, on facebook or watching home remodeling shows on TV. Then I took some time for birth practice and nap.

By dinner time I had such cabin fever that we went out to Bertucci's for my favorite pizza, then grocery shopping and some other errands. I keep stocking up on things that I want to have on hand. Like meat. We are going to have a freezer full of meats. I was just happy to be out of the house even though I was waddling around like a penguin the whole time. We managed to kill the evening and now I want to play more Yahtzee, like we did last night before bed. Then hopefully I will lobby for another one of those pre-bed backrubs.

It's been a dreary rainy day, from morning til night. I'm glad the cub decided to wait this one out. Maybe tomorrow? As I predicted? I'll have to check the weather.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Big Belly Tuesday – Week 39 One Week to Go!

We're almost reached our goal. There's just one week to go until Alyssa's expected due date of December 16th. Mom and Dad are counting the hours.


midwife wednesday

I went for my 39 week appointment today. Baby is good. In terms of his positiona, he isn't floating but he isn't engaged either. He moved from right occipito-anterior (ROA) position to occipito-posterior while I was lying on the table...he is still moving around now and will change positions until he is engaged, she said. We eventually want him in the ROA position though, so I'm talking to him daily about this. His heart beat was good, in the 140s. My blood pressure was normal - 96/64. I'm measuring 40 weeks now. I gained another half pound since last week. He is definitely growing. It was by all accounts a fine appointment. But I'm fighting impatience for him to just get here already. Getting...grumpy...can't....walk....

I had a poor night's sleep so I'm tired. There is a good chance I am going to spend the rest of the day watching the West Wing. Ideally I would like to lie on the couch and watch the West Wing until the baby comes, but I'm assuming I'll get a little restless before then. For right now, that's all I'm doing.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas prep weekend

We had a fantastic weekend with my sister, Kristen, and her family. They arrived Friday night and stayed til Sunday afternoon. We decorated the tree, made tons of cookies, made 3 beautiful wreathes, listened to a LOT of Christmas music and watched The Grinch; Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown; Olive the other Reindeer and Rudolph. Oh yeah, it was festive. The only snag came when after detangling a ridiculous nest of lights, for which my family gets lots of credit, most of them didn't work and we had to start over with a whole new light collection. Usually I put the lights on the tree but this year, there was no chance. I'm too big to get close enough and no one was letting me up on the footstool to reach the high parts. So Kristen did a beautiful job, up to my picky standards.

Since then I have wrapped and purchased a few more Christmas presents. We finally have some under the tree, too! Most of the baby stuff is taken care of at this point, so the only thing I have been doing to prepare is some cleaning. Not any manic nesting like they speak of, but definitely getting things clean in case today is the day.

I did buy another baby item. On the recommendation of a new mom, I bought a Slumber Bear. It is motion and sound activated to play womb sounds. Could be good.

I'm working hard to stay relaxed and not get impatient. He will arrive when he arrives and in the mean time, I'm trying to enjoy the free time and the quiet. I'm fairly uncomfortable, but I manage enough. I take the dog out sometimes and play with him. I walk up and down the stairs as much as necessary - sometimes I still ask D to bring me stuff - but mostly I'm embracing the idea that being active will bring on the process.

Monday, December 8, 2008

39 weeks


Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My sister's birthday

Happy Birthday, Kristen! No little nephew to share it with you today, though. Shouldn't be too far off though.

I spent the morning finishing up the online tutorial for school. This time participating in the practice live classroom session. I'm all set now for how to take a class online when the time comes.

Today was big auto thursday. Donavon took the car for maintenance. Last time we were in they scheduled us automatically for a 9 month checkup on Dec 17th. We laughed and assured them we would be in a little sooner, what with a Dec 16th due date.

Then we had the car seat reinstalled. Yes, we had this done once before by a certified installer at a store. (Recall the video of her standing on our car seat base to get it to work and then proclaiming that she had discovered the 'trick' with our car's seat belt.) After an hour and $25 and a lot of her struggling with different contraptions, she thought it was figured out. By the time we had driven home, the base was crooked and loose. It just looked bad. We found a good reference at with state certified, official inspectors and installers. We were much relieved to go yesterday and deal with a serious professional. She recognized that our base wasn't leveled properly (which the previous installer said she could just eyeball due to years of instinct) which had made the standard installation so difficult for the first person. She also informed us that the cute little sherpa snuggly, the headrest and the mirror we had installed to watch our kid were all instruments of death. Good news is the seat is safely installed and we're, um, in contact with the person who did the first salesjob, I mean installation, for us.

Other than that, it was another quiet day around here. We are sort of getting the house ready for my sister and her family who are visiting for the weekend. Sort of. And our friend Maxine called, checking in, offering lots of kind words of support and excitement and answering a few parenting questions. Very sweet.

D and I had a good heart to heart that reminds me why we are so good together. I didn't find time to practice much birth stuff today, so I'll just fall asleep to the CD. (Not really what you are supposed to do but I believe better than nothing...) Early bedtime (10ish?) since I slept pretty poorly last night.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

another day, another list of mundane pre baby chores...

Midwife appointment - All is well. Baby is still head down, in a Right Occipito-Anterior position (ROA). That means he is kind of facing backward, which you want, but his back is curled more to right, against my belly/side. Ideally, he would be curled up nice and straight, with his back in line with my belly button, my midline. But most babies aren't straight on like that until they start to come out, if then. The thing we want to avoid is Occipito-Posterior (OP, i.e. his occiput, or the back of his head, is facing backward). More simply put, he is facing forward, his spine to my spine. Apparently that makes for some extra unpleasant, although still manageable, labor. The exercises I do are supposed to help keep him in this more OA position. Plus, I'm starting to talk to him and let him know that he needs to get in line. Literally.

His heart beat was in the 140s. Good sound heart beat. My blood pressure was more in the normal range than the last two visits (I'm convinced it was because I saw my midwife instead of her assistant). I was 98/68 or thereabouts. I measured at 39 weeks (39 cm belly) but from feeling around on my belly she thinks he is not that large. She guessed he is in the 6 lb range at this point - again according to her magic touch of just palpating him. The measurement has more to do with how he is lying and distending my belly. I had only gained a pound which prompted her to ask if I was eating enough. I think over the last few weeks, my weight gain has tapered (despite a LOT of thanksgiving pie?). It is probably because I am more active now than I was there for a spell.

She answered some more questions for us. She said they usually stay about 2-3 hours after the baby comes to make sure we are all doing well. They take cord blood right away for lab tests, to check the baby's blood type and do a basic panel. They will make sure I get help nursing right away. They will stay until I have a meal :) They will make up the bed and tidy things. I think that is about it. I see her again in a week if I don't have the baby before then!

Baby briefcase - I found this great organizer for baby records. It is dedicated storage so that it all stays in order, which makes me happy. But the thing is $30 for a case and some nice file folders, albeit preprinted. I love the idea and it would make a nice gift but I couldn't bear to spend so much on something so simple. We went to Staples and made my own version for far less than $20. And that was with splurging on the REALLY nice folders :) I WILL have to struggle with labeling the folders myself...I think I am up to the task. It functions as a little briefcase with dividers and all for folders. Plus there is a handy expandable side pocket with zippered mesh pouch! I'm pleased with my substitute. It's better looking, too.

Baby binder - I finally gathered all of the little keepsakes we have had along the way and made up a binder. I'm not exactly a scrapbooker, so this will have to do. All of his ultrasound photos, the cards from his shower, the mementos from our babymoon in Williamsburg and a few other things...collected in one binder for him to be bored with later in life.

Sleeper with crib sheet- We've had this for awhile and I think I posted about it when we first bought it. But here is a little snapshot of his sleeper all set up in our room, with the crib sheet I made awhile ago. That is his sleep sheep, which makes soothing noises. Like whale sounds (I'm not sure I find that one soothing, actually.) I love that thing. We will also have a crib set up in his nursery for naps and such, but this will be for night time for the first few months. The open side pulls up against the bed, next to me, so I can nurse easily at night but so that he isn't actually sleeping the bed. We picked this up on craigslist and it was such a find. They don't make them like this anymore - it is all wood and really simple. The new ones are froofy and fabric and incredibly ugly. It turns into a crib with the addition of the side, and then with some more hardware it turns into a desk. But that's later. For now, it is just waiting for him.

Washing the dog - He was washed. Finally. You can all thank us when you come to visit.

Hypnobirthing - As required, I listened to the daily suggestions and visualizations and relaxation sessions. Very soothing and yes, I fell asleep in the enchanted forest section again. I don't know what it is about that forest. Hehe. Donavon has been very dedicated to helping with his part, too.

Cat - Here is proof that the cat needs no invitation to make himself comfortable. Once he climbs up, which I do kind of help with at a point, so I am not shredded by claws, he is on his own. He has learned how to be like one of those monkeys, just adjusting himself on my shoulder whether I assist. It's impressive but if I am not wearing a good thick sweater, it IS painful.

Tested the BabyTV babycam - For a while, there has been that link on the left advertising BabyTV. It is a teaser since we don't have an actual baby to broadcast, yet. Inspired by the now famous shiba inu puppy cam, Donavon set up a Ustream account for our baby. We got the webcam today and set it up for a few test runs. Both Grandma and Aunt Kristen were our remote testers and I am pleased to report that it was a success! The channel will be password protected, since it broadcasts to a website. We will primarily use it as a video baby monitor - with the camera on him while sleeping - accesible from any computer instead of just a monitor. Most of the time, it won't be interesting to anyone but us, unless you like to watch a baby sleep. But on occasion we will let people know when we will have him on there in a funny outfit or just to say hi. BabyTV. Stay tuned for schedule information.

I wanted to finish the curtains I started last night, but I am way too tired. I'm off to bed at 10:30 and will listen to CDs to relax myself to sleep.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Big Belly Tuesday – Week 38

It's week 38 and there are just two weeks to go! Well, I guessed December 8th, so according to my estimation, there's only one week. In any case, today we went out and got our Christmas tree (hence the "Christmas Tree Edition").

In other news, Alyssa's getting BIG and Merle doesn't know what to think of it. Woof!


38 weeks!


How your baby's growing:

Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
So, the real due date for babies is more of a range, with anytime between 38-42 weeks being normal. Hehe, that is pretty cool. That means it could be any day now. I don't feel like it will be this week, but I can tell it is getting close. Things are stretching and creaking and I'm having more and more trouble walking.

Today makes up for all of those non productive days. I was up early - through no fault of the cat, strangely enough. I practiced some fancy breathing techniques, one of the final things I need to be doing to be all ready.

I took the dog out for his romp. Lately, Donavon has taken on the role of single dog parent. I think the exercise is good for me at this point, so I'm venturing out to play stick and ball. I'm probably not that fun to play with if you ask Merle as I am pretty easy to evade. It was a gorgeous sunny day though and the fresh air felt great.

Donavon brought up all the Christmas stuff from the basement. Yay. It is sitting and waiting to be hung or strung or bedecked. *Random family anecdote* - My mom had my sister on Dec 4th, going in labor while getting Christmas decorations out. That's too early for me. It is a really fun time of the year to be expecting, I have to admit.

The Brinks guy came to wire some areas of the house that we have wanted more secure. I'm very happy about that before we have the little one.

We went to IKEA one last time - I needed some curtain fabric and we decided to buy an extra little cheap changing table for the first floor. It looks like something a little kid would use for her dolly, but hey, its for changing diapers. Fancy is not required and compact is good.

We also got our Christmas tree! It was all tied up so its branches are still settling down. It should be photo worthy by tomorrow...although not decorated until this weekend.

In the time it took to ride to IKEA and Home Depot, I almost finished another bootie. Those things go fast.

I squeezed in some hypno and breathing practice with Donavon. Then he made yet another batch of chili for the freezer and for dinner. It's so good.

I wrapped some presents and we then we ordered some more. And then I made some curtains for my workroom, which will double as a guest room for family over Christmas.

Yeah, productive day. I'm exhausted.

I felt some cramping and twinges. And the cub seems to just be slowly going lower. He is still moving around a lot. We just tried to get some video of it, but it is hard to see. I can't wait for our checkup tomorrow. Not that we are going to find out anything new but it seems like something exciting could happen.

Monday, December 1, 2008

cyber Monday

I shopped for more Christmas presents. FYI, PayPal has a sweet promotion that starts today. They are giving up to 20% cash back for purchases made with PayPal. Not sure how long it lasts, or if all merchants participate, but it is a potentially good deal.

I spent the morning satisfying a required Introduction to Online Learning course (online, of course) for school. In order to take online classes for my program, you have to prove that you can do things like post to a bulletin board and use Adobe Acrobat. Turns out I am computer savvy enough. There is another section I have to do on Thursday, but the majority of the training is out of the way. Yay, the first thing for school. So exciting. I also found out that I am NOT required to take a class on campus during the two week session of Jan 5-16. The cub will be only 2 weeks old at that point (depending) and I would prefer not to be on campus, even though it is only a few hours in the morning. It is just so soon to plan on giving him a bottle or to assume nursing will be going well yet. I will have to go to orientation on Jan 3-4, which is on campus and will be a bit of a juggle, but it is just orientation and I'll do my best. If I need to duck out of a talk on how to set up my email, so be it. Actually, we will do our best. Donavon is going to be superdad that weekend while I try to stay awake. Ok, he is going to be superdad all the time but he will earn some stripes.

As usual, the cat won't get off of me without engaging in some type of claw or tooth warfare. The dog has ramped up his efforts to stick with me and Donavon, climbing the stairs much more often than he used to if it means being near us.

Here are the latest pair of baby socks - technically I finished them up yesterday. I love them so much you can expect another pair of the same color scheme but inverted. Yes, it is the same pattern again. I have it memorized and it goes so fast, I'm not ready to branch out to another.

I had ordered this really cool baby organizer and it came today. It's got a form or a checklist for everything I want to write down or reference. Ever. They had one for pregnancy, too, that seemed equally cool but by the time I was confident about being and staying pregnant, it seemed a waste. This one seems very useful.

I had a small crying spell tonight - it seems about that time. I desperately wanted all of the things on my list done and they weren't happening fast enough. Luckily, my sweetheart reminded me that if the dog doesn't get washed, well, he will be stinky, but life will go on. And more importantly, we are ready enough to have a kid soon whether that stuff gets done. I still really wish the dog were washed and the tree were up and the presents were wrapped, because there could be a kid anyday, but I'm done crying about it. I'm just thinking about the kid now.

We ventured out to buy nursing bras. Ok, I bought nursing bras while Donavon ate free samples at the See's candy stand. I've been putting this off but it finally seemed like the time to get it done. I'm a 36D. Hah! That's funny. Well, that is with room for milk, according to the expert. We'll see.

Yet again, Donavon fed me well with his yummy pork dish and sweet potatoes. He's been amazing at taking care of dinner almost every night now. Thanks, honey.