Following in his father's footsteps, I know that young Sparky will be a Microsoft guy. I made these onesies using a cool and easy to use silk screening process called StencilPro.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
View from the Baby's Room
With about seven weeks until the baby is due, we're pretty much done with the baby's room. There's no crib yet, but he will be sleeping in a co-sleeper while Alyssa is nursing.
Here are a few pics (click to enlarge):
Sparky's room has 3 frosted windows that look out onto an open stairwell. They bring in a lot of natural light. They have huge sills on which I've placed my Tonka toys that I had when I was a kid. My research shows that they are from the mid 1960's.
Alyssa made these great elephant curtains for young Sparky's room. The elephant and the clouds are made from felt and are sewn on appliqués.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Big Belly Tuesday – Week 32
It's week 32 and the belly is getting bigger than ever! Little Sparky is moving around more and more with Alien-like acrobatics.
Your baby at 32 weeks:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Big Belly Tuesday – Weeks 30 and 31
We're a little late with last week's belly shot,so this week we're posting weeks 30 and 31 together. The side by side format is kinda nice, actually.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Baby party
So, we had a fabulous baby party on Saturday, October 11. My sisters and mother arrived Friday and started preparing for a wonderful evening with amazing food. My mom and my niece, Audra, decorated the house with train themed decorations and some home made 'paper babies', kind of like paper dolls. We were thrilled that so many friends could come. And we couldn't be more grateful for all of the gifts, from the practical to the decadent. Evan, Donavon's son, made it out for the weekend from Chicago. Since we took no pictures except for this one from him, you'll have to be satisfied with admiring the DJ setup he and Donavon devised. It was pretty awesome. And yes, we are desperately soliciting photos from anyone who took them! I will amend this post as they come in.
Overall it was a special night as part of a very special weekend with family. It left me very excited for them all to be back for Christmas!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
30 week heart beat video
It's been a while since we had some good old fashioned video footage of the belly and heart beat. At the 30 week checkup, we captured some. His heartbeat is SO strong and loud now. Not that I have heard it with a stethoscope yet...but I keep trying.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
More Braxton-Hicks today. I was really busy all morning which totally explains it. I'm lying down now, which helps them go away pretty quickly. It's annoying, though. I'd prefer to be making curtains and sewing baby things and getting ready for the party than just lying here looking at everything that needs to get done. The mancub is going into full acrobatics though as I lay here, though, which is kinda cute :)
I started the HypBirth course yesterday. I have to listen to the first CD every day for seven days before moving on to the next CD. There are 4 CDs total. I'm starting a bit early - they recommend starting at 33 weeks. But the method works because of practice so I'm counting on more=better.
The CD session is better than tequila. I'm practially drunk and giddy after doing it. It's awesome. I like the relaxation techniques used on the CD that came with the Mongan book better, so I'll be listening to that one, too.